October 26, 1992 excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times" excerpts from the "Sydney Morning Herald" (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) and the "National Post" (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) The articles from the "Sydney Morning Herald" were about a dissident being allowed to leave the PRC, a pact between the UK and the PRC re freedom in Hong Kong and the outrage over the Emperor of Japan - Akihito, not making a "formal apology for atrocities" during WWII (never mind the Cultural Revolution and all of the atrocities inflicted on their own people and does anyone from the PRC ever apologize formally for rolling over the people of Tibet or the PRC's support of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?) October 26, 2022 excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times" excerpt from the "South China Morning Post" (scmp.com) https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3197345/china-envoy-blasts-us-dividing-seoul-and-beijing-defends-hu-jintao-exit-...