June 18, 1989

excerpts from the "Los Angeles Times"

"The Times Poll"

"Regard for China Plummets in U.S."

By George Skelton, Times Staff Writer

The high regard Americans had for China only three months ago has turned bitterly sour in the wake of the Communist regime's bloody repression of pro-democracy demonstrators, according to The Times Poll.

In a dramatic turnaround, three-fourths of the American public now has an unfavorable "overall opinion of China," the poll found.  In sharp contrast, three-fourths of Americans held a favorable opinion in March.

But Americans strongly support President Bush's restrained response to the massacre in Beijing and to the Chinese leadership's escalating crackdown against the pro-democracy movement there and in other cities.  They emphatically endorse the President's decision not to recall the U.S. ambassador from Beijing.

Bush's Popularity Up

In fact, The Times' nationwide survey of 1,417 adults found that Bush't popularity has increased across America . . .

"U.S. Acts to Restore Trade Ties With China"

By Norman Kempster and Daniel Williams, Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON - Trying to salvage America's once-flourishing commercial relationship with China, the Bush Administration moved Friday to relax the tensions produced by Beijing's bloody suppression of the pro-democracy movement.


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