June 8, 1989

On the front page of the "Los Angeles Times" a photo (Associated Press) from Beijing, caption:

"Curious residents of Beijing survey the military hardware and troops in Tian An Men Square, scene of last weekend's slaughter."

In a box also on the front page:
Leaders flee Beijing.  Page 10
Shanghai train burned.  Page 10
Troops on the move.  Page 10
Travelers tell of chaos.  Page 11
2 from UCLA missing.  Page 11

Embassy personnel's family advised to leave for the States.

Uncertainty, impending civil war that had been totally unexpected but now analysts were opining that the very rigidity and control of the one-party system contributed to "China's sudden plunge into turmoil, with the government retreating into impotence and a divided army arrayed as if to wage civil war, has left stunned observers grappling for an explanation:  How could the order of a powerful nation turn so quickly to chaos?"

("Rigid Regime Paved Way for National Chaos" by Douglas Jehl, Times Staff Writer, front page of the "Los Angeles Times" June 8, 1989)

Chaos,  impending civil war, the government "retreating into impotence" . . .


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