August 26, 1989
excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"

August 26, 2019
excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"
link to today's digital edition - article on page 3 regarding Hong Kong
this article about Hi-Tech (Silicon Valley) devising a "social credit score" (as China has been doing) was featured on "The Drudge Report" this morning - here is the link to the article:
There was an article in the current issue of "The New Yorker" about top people from Silicon Valley attending the Esalen Institute in Big Sur - I will try to find the link - my mother was commenting on Friday as she was reading the article that OUR high tech people are at Big Sur flattening out their brain waves trying to meditate and not feel "shame" for their accomplishments while high tech in China is moving right ahead (such as with "5G")
excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"

August 26, 2019
excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"
link to today's digital edition - article on page 3 regarding Hong Kong
this article about Hi-Tech (Silicon Valley) devising a "social credit score" (as China has been doing) was featured on "The Drudge Report" this morning - here is the link to the article:
There was an article in the current issue of "The New Yorker" about top people from Silicon Valley attending the Esalen Institute in Big Sur - I will try to find the link - my mother was commenting on Friday as she was reading the article that OUR high tech people are at Big Sur flattening out their brain waves trying to meditate and not feel "shame" for their accomplishments while high tech in China is moving right ahead (such as with "5G")
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