October 20, 1991

excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"

excerpt from the "Chicago Tribune" (Chicago, Illinois)

October 20, 2021

excerpt from the "Los Angeles Times"

excerpt from the "South China Morning Post" (scmp.com)


plus comments since the article appeared yesterday:

Byron B.
It's too bad there was no mention of the type of vaccine (or mRNA experimental "vaccine") administered to the poor kid. My bet is that is was a clot-shot, and the spike proteins did what spike proteins do: they went dancing through the blood vessels, attracting platelets and plugging up circulation to the vital organs. The first PRC vaccine was infinitely safer. I was not averse to taking a couple of Sinovac shots: that is a conservative, old-fashioned true vaccine, made from weakened or killed viral material. The experimental gene therapy concoctions from Pfizer and AstroZeneca are another story altogether, and I would never in a thousand years agree to let those mystery medications into my bloodstream. Check out what's going down in super-vaccinated Israel, at: https://www.vaxtestimonies.org/en/ 
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Thomas K.
Petitioning is a civil right under Chinese law. Period.  Withholding such right from citizens should be punishable with more than just a slap on the wrist - if Xi Jin Ping Thought on much touted rule of law is supposed to be worth anything but idle chatter.
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Big brother C.
@Thomas K. FYI the Rule of Law doesn't apply to CCP members. Hence when they r taken down if they fall out of favor with the Emperor they must first be dismissed from the Party.
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James W.
There are thousands of medical malpractice cases citizens bring to the court every year. Most of them are compensated if they can produce evidence. There maybe more to what this story is telling here. Did the mother and her family lay the body of the girl inside the clinic where the girl got her jab and then refuse to leave? This is a common practice of rural peasants to protest medical malpractice which is considered picking quarrels and provoking trouble and it is illegal.  
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Myint S.replied - 2 replies
Macy M.
Death from vaccination is not unusual, including those from Pfizer, Moderna, AZ etc. So, why blow this up just because it is a Chinese vaccine.
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H2np5ghrps M.replied - 3 replies
Ansson L.
Fort Derrick
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Carlos M.
@Ansson L. Why make a political grandstand instead of solving the problem or finding the solution? "Fort Detrick this" - " Wuhan that" - nobody has a clue: not you nor me nor the CCP plenum.
 • Edited
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Zizi M.
These vaccine related issues happens in other countries as well. Deaths linked to vaccine were covered up and declared not related by the authorities. Surviving family members have been left at a lost & unable to hold the Govt responsible.
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Ank G.replied - 4 replies
Win T.
No one is allowed to question the ccp vaccines that has higher than 100% efficacy. 
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Francis F.
The woman is grieving the death of her child and understandably wants an explanation.  What do the local authorities do?  Lock her up for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble".  How inhumane.
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Andrew D.replied - 6 replies
What a bunch of humanitarians posting their comments.  I can see that neither "side" has the humanity to see that this story is not about Xi, the Chinese system, the free press, or the vaccines or COVID deaths.   It's about a mother who is disraught about her daughter's death and wants to know why she died.  The medical professionals apparently gave her the medical reasons but she didn't accept them.  This could and does happen everywhere in the world - every single day.   She was told not to petition but she did, so did her sister.   Similar tragedies in America have taken place and guess waht happened when the answers didn't satisfy the disraught father, spouse, or son.  Yes, a pistol appeared and some one ended up de ad.  Let's just see what happens -   she is being held indetention while her petition is being investigated and responded to.  See More
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MC B.replied - 4 replies
“picking quarrels and provoking trouble”  That's what they call it.   In America they might say she was having a mental breakdown over her daughter's death.   PTSD.  She might be detained as well by placing her in a mental institution for a few days.  Hard to say.   Poor woman. 
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MC B.replied - 6 replies
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